viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

faboritte vlog.

For today`s task I have to talk about my favorite classmate blog, and I think that’s Dani`s blog. I`m not the best blog reader but I think that now that I have to choose, looking here and there, her blog is fun and also a good example of someone who knows how to use the website.

I think it`s a good example of that because she changes the pictures in it and her site has links to her profile and animated pictures. For example, in her post about photographers she adds links to their works making reading more interactive. And that’s the best part of a blog, or the part that I think that must be carry out: to make the information something that connects you with more information in other websites. The difference between reading a book and reading a blog post is that the distance that separates the text that you are reading and the related information in other texts, in the case of internet, is none. You can look for a song you heard in the street be remembering two words of it and then searching in Google.

I liked her post about photography entitled “If the pictures aren`t good enough, you are not close enough” because she talks about meeting someone she admires. I think most of people fantasize about people they would like to know, live or death, but it`s not common to communicate it, I mean, it`s something that reminds me a way to imagine thinks without questioning if they are possible or not. Our thoughts are full of that kind of imagination, fantasies about objects that can exercise their influence in us without being real.

I think her blog is fun and a way to improve could be to exploit even more her knowledge of internet. She always have a good link related to the subject she`s writing about, and maybe that could be used to complement the information in a more developed way.

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