viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


Once upon a time there was a man who was the greatest Chilean of all time. When he was young he never thought that he was going to become the greatest, tough his mother always told him that since he was born it was something not difficult to anticipate.

The early childhood of the greatest Chilean boy was full of changes; his father always told him that in order to achieve greatness a man has to be ready for new situations so he can make succeed from failure. The boy couldn`t make much friends because greatness cannot really be shared, so, most of the rest of his life he could only pay attention to his career.
When he was eighteen he got the “greatest Chilean teenager of the year” prize, his mother told the press that “all of the other kids were great, but great is not greatest”, his father for the other side didn`t make any coments besides: “a teenager prize from a every year contest…I guess that`s fine”.

The school ended and now it was time to choose what to do next. The mother made a meeting with all the great men of the family, she was not sure to be enough, so she invited the Mayor, the Priest and the biggest Chilean artist. They were all discussing about wich was the best option in order to achieve greatness. Finally the decision was made: an artist was a poor possibility, they always get some attention but generally after they die forgotten and without money. A priest wasn`t a good option either, his father said: “no man can be the greatest without knowing how a woman looks like”. The Mayor was the only one that didn’t defend his career, nobody knew why, but he said over and over again: “this is not a nice know, fighting everybody, it only makes you get stomach aches, its better if you leave it to me, don’t worry…”

…to be continued?

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