viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010


Today I´ll talk about my experience in 2010 sanfic, it isn´t much, actually is not even close to an overview of the event, but what can I do?, thats all what I got.

Sanfic, for what I know, it´s an audiovisual festival that gathers diferent kind of directors from Chile and some foreing to. The idea is to create an instance where chilean artist can show their work and, ofcourse, recive the attention of nacional and international public and critics.

I went there, yesterday, at Hoyts cinema in La Reina, because a friend of my was going to show his short film. It started at two thirty p.m. and I was finishing my breakfast at two fifty. Is not that I am proud of that, I just had to say it because it explains why my bike was almost stolen later.

I was aware that my friend´s film was the first from the list of yesterday´s noon, he´s very organized and I remember thinking "well..we all know that this kind of things start after the schedule says", but it didn´t, so the second short movie was on when I got there.

An advice: never watch a movie or whatever it is in the dark halls of the cinema (from where you enter the room) because it´s, indeed, completly dark, and people who enters late like you, bomps in to you saying "sorry compadre", and keep walking whitout knowing that seven more people is siting in the invisible floor, and that he´s gonna need a "sorry" for all of them.

At least could saw the other three films. They last between five and fiveteen minutes. It´s dificult to make yourself an opinion of what is better or worst (because that´s what we have to do) butt I before doing...

1 comentario:

  1. Today i'm going to watch a sanfic's movie =)
    i watched a documental on wednesday (by the shadow of the moais) was very good.
    hope you enjoy sanfic this year =)

    Take care!
