viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

We all now that education is a subject that has managed to
call the atention of a large number of social groups. It has
been the center of many of the politic discutions, and our university
is not an exception of a context where the problems related to it
have found a politic pronunciation.

The problem is that the question for how educational sistem must be constructed,
is often mixed whit old discutions about things that goes beyond the choices estrictly related whit education, and our university is, again, not an exception of
an institution - and here I mean the revolucionary students institution - that will always work whit problems from a point of view that hasn´t change since the traditional left revolucionary ideology stablish as the politic and aesthetic rule.


1 comentario:

  1. Hi Willem.
    Remember that your blog will receive a mark. If you don't post in class, you will not receive your points. You need to make sure you do your work & keep agreements.
